Contact Lenses
World Leading Contact Lenses for Adults and Children Contact LensesMyopia Control Contact LensesCONTACT LENSES
Contact lenses are an excellent choice of vision correction whether it be for everyday general wear, sport or social wear as they offer excellent vision, comfort and a panoramic field of view. The technology of contact lens manufacturing has improved so much that it is now possible to fit almost every prescription.
As an independent opticians we stock contact lenses from the world leaders in contact lens manufacturing such as Johnson & Johnson, Alcon, Coopervision and Bausch and Lomb.

Free eye exam with medical card and PRSI cover - Contact us for details
The soft contact lens of choice for most people is the daily disposable as it is the most hygienic option and extremely convenient as there is no need for a cleaning regime. This is the most suitable option for intermittent wearers and for children.
Athlone Opticians only fit daily disposables made of a silicone hydrogel material which means they are more breathable and more oxygen is reaching the cornea preventing any problems with contact lens overwear.
They are also available in toric designs for patients with astigmatism and mutifocal designs for patients who need a distance and near correction.
At Athlone Opticians we believe that daily disposables are the present not the future of contact lens wear. 95% of Athlone Opticians contact lens wearers are wearing daily disposable contact lenses

Two weekly and Monthly Disposable Contact Lenses
These soft contact lenses are reusable and are disposed of every two weeks or monthly depending on the contact lens chosen. They are more economical than daily disposables and can be the contact lens of choice for patients who are wearing their contact lenses most days.
There is a cleaning regime which is quite simple but must be complied with to prevent eye infections. Reusable soft contact lenses can also be worn on an extended wear basis if the patient is suitable and there is a requirement, such as difficulty inserting and removing the contact lens.
Athlone Opticians only fit silicone hydrogel two weekly and monthly disposable contact lenses. There is a larger range of prescriptions available with two weekly and monthly contact lenses particularly for patients with astigmatism as some toric prescriptions are not available as a daily disposable. They are also available in multifocal designs.
We also fit gas permeable contact lenses and cosmetic contact lenses.
During your first contact lens fitting, the optometrist will discuss lifestyle, leisure activities, working environment and your expectations from the contact lenses. Your optometrist will then take some measurements and assess the health of the anterior eye before deciding on the most suitable contact lens for you.
Once the best contact lens of choice has been selected it will be assessed on its performance on the eye. If satisfactory you will then be taught how to insert and remove the lenses before you are given trial contact lenses to take away. We will also explain the best wearing schedule and the do’s and don’ts of contact lens wear.
A follow up appointment will then be arranged to review your progress and to give you the opportunity to discuss any concerns you may have.

Regular contact lens after care checks are very important to ensure optimum vision, contact lens comfort and ocular health. Your optometrist will advise when you are due your next check up at the end of each appointment.
If you would like to give contact lenses a try or for further information please CONTACT US
Children’s Contact Lenses – We Lead Through Innovation
In 2018 Athlone Opticians partnered up with Coopervision’s latest groundbreaking contact lens technology. The Misight contact lens is designed to reduce the progression of myopia in children. Children as young as eight years old can be fitted with this lens which is proven to dramatically slow down the progression of myopia or short-sightedness in children

The MiSight Difference
MiSight® 1 day is the first soft contact lenses proven to slow the progression of short-sightedness (myopia) in children. These ground-breaking contact lenses are specially designed for children and have clinically proven benefits. The main advantages are:
Soft, daily disposable contact lens suitable for myopic children
MiSight® 1 day corrects short-sightedness so children enjoy clear, spectacle-free vision
MiSight® 1 day has a special optical design which may help slow down the speed at which myopia progresses
In 2017 the results of a clinical study of MiSight® 1 day contact lenses in children aged 8–15 years was published. Conducted by Chamberlain P. et al, this evaluation of a dual-focus myopia control 1 day soft contact lens was published by the British Contact Lens Association.

Estimated progression of myopia with and without management bases on age, refraction and ethnicity. For illustrative purpose only; individual results may vary.
Children that said they preferred wearing their MiSight® 1 day contact lenses over wearing their spectacles.
Of Children could handle MiSight® 1 day lenses on their own as reported by parents.
of parents said their children were happy with the experience of wearing contact lenses, including comfort, vision, ease of use and freedom from spectacles.